Factor 8 Round 3
I noticed Saturday afternoon a small blue mark under Elliot's testicles when changing his nappy and wondered was it the start of a bleed/bruise, Elliot was not it any discomfort so I just thought I would keep an eye on it. Sunday morning and it was darker and bigger and more swollen, maybe he had sat down to fast? I don't know I kept an eye on it all day and thought I'd give it a little more time as I didn't want to rush him to hospital if it was unnecessary ( he only had a bleed and a dose of factor a couple of weeks ago.
Monday morning it looked pretty swollen and with it being a sensitive and delicate area I took him to the hospital to get the specialists to look at it, they took one look and said they would give him some treatment (factor 8). Elliot is so mobile now, with crawling and pulling himself up, he is like a little wild creature full of beans into everything and everywhere! The bruise has come out more and looks like it might be changing colour.
Monday Evening
Uncle Jon and Laura babysat Elliot for the first time and did an amazing job, hopefully Elliot didn't make it to hard for them because I would love to go out again, and it's nice bonding for them. I went to the Belle Vue Speedway it was great to watch Belle Vue Vs Birmingham Brummies I went with my parents, and we are planning on seeing another one soon. Belle Vue won 51 - 39! My dad said there is a speedway you can have a go on with no experience, I wouldn't mind having a go. We saw quite a lot of kids at Belle Vue watching the race, and there was two boys in particular that made me think of Elliot, one was sat being very good with his dad, and the other was swinging around in the woodland making mischief, and I said to my mum I hope Elliot is calm like the one sat their but I have a funny feeling he is gonna be like the one playing with sticks in the wood ripping his pants ( Elliot is already showing signs that he is very adventurous)
Nanna & Granddad at Belle Vue Speedway |
Questions from strangers
Elliot has gained a great collection of whopping bruises all of them easy to conceal, apart from his latest which is smack bang in the middle of his forehead and looks really bad (it was hardly anything when it happened, but looks quite unsightly), this gives strangers in the supermarket, at swimming, at baby group a nice conversation starter like;
"AWWww has he fallen over?"
"Have you had that looked at?"
"What's happened there then?"
"I bet you felt awful when that happened?"
and so on and so on!
I don't quite know what to say, I have just been saying he is a bit wild and adventurous, you mention Haemophilia and it opens up whole new question
"What's that?"
"Will he get better?"
It's nice that people care and want to talk, but all I'm trying to do is buy some bloody bread, I think I might where a t-shirt that says 'My kid has Haemophilia look it up'! I feel I have to tell some people especially yesterday as we had a heat wave and I had to put Elli in light clothes so he had his arms, legs and head on display and like I said he has a few good bruises, and I don't want people thinking he is abused. I can't work it out he has a big fall and no bruise and a small knock and a gigantic whopper comes out?