Monday, 26 January 2015

New Year Teething Problems

Bleed Time

17th October 2014
Another bleed this time in Elliot's hand, I think he must have banged it by putting it out to catch himself when falling over, it swelled up quite a bit around the wrist and thumb I had given it a couple of days to see if it would subside but it looked like it was getting bigger and sore so took him to the unit and he was treated straight away with some Factor 8 (big Sigh of relief) Cleared up no problems.

Can't pin point the Date
 Elliot had a bad soft tissue bleed in his right side, we had a hard time with this because we were refused Factor treatment from the hospital as it was not a joint bleed it was not seen to be a major problem, and still trying to not put factor 8 in his system if they can help it so he does not build up any inhibitors.
  Elliot was crying in pain so we took him A&E at about 9:30pm and despite the serious nature of Elliot's Haemo and the Hospital letter stating that he should be seen immediately upon arrival, we were not seen till 11pm! (annoyed because the doctor even though she was very nice just sent us back home, so I self treated him with cold strips stuck to the affected site and a dose of calpol to help with his discomfort, the next day was very hard I tried getting hold of the unit to ask for some advice and no one was available ( I felt so alone) Elliot did not bend down all day didn't really eat anything (not like him) he just wanted to stand in the middle of the living room and watch a film because he was to uncomfortable to play or cuddle, the day after was a different story the hospital was right to not be hasty as his bleed did ease up the 2nd day and he was a lot happier and all the nurses at the unit got back to me but whilst on the phone I could not help myself I just started crying down the phone to Nurse Alison who reassured me (all a bit overwhelming).


Elliot had a great Christmas my first time cooking a xmas dinner for us and my parents and I'm proud to say it was a success and no bruises bumps or bleeds for two months!

Lot's of presents to open and food to eat followed by lovely company and the best unexpected present from my Dad a digital radio for the kitchen (didn't realise how much atmosphere this adds to breakfast, Elliot dancing in the kitchen to Ed Sheeran).
 Evening we went to a big family gathering at my Aunties and Elliot danced his socks off in the kitchen with all the ladies till 11pm, also he would not let go of a mini pork pie all night (did I mention Elliot loves to dance and finds a beat in everything? He has been dancing since he could sit up, kids got rhythm! and I just realised that RHYTHM has not one vowel ...weird)

Teething problems

Bleeding from tooth at Nan and Grandads
Soooo the usual head bumps bruised knees and elbows as per and everything has been pretty quiet and plain sailing up until the past week where Elliot has had teething problems, I remember asking the unit when Elliot was about a month old do Haemo kids have bleeds when teething or losing the milk teeth to be told 'Nooo.. no problems to worry about there'... only yes there is for this Haemo kid!

I have found with Elliot's current teeth bottom and top incisors of which there is four of, have been pretty bleed free, Woke up to a bit of blood on his bed linen and a purple nodule on his big tooth whilst it was pushing through however;

This weekend and last night was very very bleedy, this is his right hand side top and bottom molars that look like they are giving him jip and the appearance of a mini vampire (blood dripping from his mouth) and this morning massacred bed sheets to boot. I asked the Haemo mums on facebook for a bit of advice some had never experienced any trouble with theirs and a couple suggested Tranexamic acid? huh never heard of it? Well I googled and yeah this sounds pretty good, a medicine that helps keep blood clots in place and reduce bleeding, I proceeded to phone our unit to ask for advice and they said they could prescribe Elliot Tran Acid to help his bleeding (I did not ask them for it as I did not want to seem presumptuous, they told me about it.. yay!) so my partner Matt went on a little road trip to the hospital with Elliot and collected the prescription, I gave little man a dose at dinner and will give him three doses a day for the next 4 days, poor little dude .. road to recovery now... 
Bloody sheets from this morning

Any Haemo families out there wondering what may happen to a Haemo kid I hope me sharing helps you xx