Wednesday 18th March
Me and Elliot just arrived home from our weekly playgroup session, when the weather is fair I push Elliot there and back on his little trike which was a great freebie from Gran and Granpa, I parked the trike with Elliot in it just by the front door as I began to unlock it pick up the post I turned round to get Elliot out when I saw him stood up in the trike overreaching and with the blink of an eye the whole thing toppled over and Elliot landed head first on the flagstones, I felt sick he was crying and in pain I quickly untangled him from the trike and brought him inside to assess the damage, his bump started to expand and I applied pressure and got a cold compress and applied that to his head and cuddled and reassured him until he calmed down and the thought of internal bleeding started to cross my mind. I phoned the hospital and spoke to Alison who told me to take Elliot straight to the PED department A&E at Manchester Children's Hospital, because the Haemo Unit can not transfer and deal with Elliot needing any scans or emergency care, so I stuck one of the cool and sooth strips on his head and drove him to the hospital, I cried on the way and felt like a terrible mum and ran the if only s through my head... if only we had walked...if only he was wearing his protective hat. Elliot was quite happy though, sat in the back of the car chatting away and smiling so I tried to put on a brave face for him.
We arrived and Elliot had all his vitals checked and was swiftly give his factor 8 injection, he thankfully wasn't displaying any signs of head injury so we got to go home, we kept a close eye on him all evening and he was fine and his bump was pretty flat considering he would normally have a big egg/golf ball, I think applying pressure really helped keep it small.
Thursday arrived and Elliot was still his usual happy mischievous self and he had a visit from his Gran and and Nanna, they came round to check the damage and make sure little man was ok, he loved the attention and he especially enjoyed the little toy tow truck gift from Gran. Granddad came round for a visit on the Sunday and everyone agreed that Elliot's bump was a lot smaller then they thought it would be.
Between Sunday and Monday evening the Bump began to grow we figured he had a wrestles night and had re-bumped the bump on his cot (we put rolled up towels all round the cot to try and protect his head), or perhaps it was still bleeding from when he first done it. I promised Matt that I would contact the Haem unit on Tuesday and get some advice. One Tuesday the bump looked even bigger so promptly called Nurse Alison, she sounded concerned that the bump was bigger and again I should take Elliot straight to the PED to be looked at, so again we travelled to the hospital and we had a long wait of 2 and half hours this was a bit poop as they were expecting us and just had to check Elliot over and give him another jab if they felt he needed it, Doctor Sophia checked his vitals and gave Elliot another dose of factor also she told me to give him a course of Trans Acid to help the blood clot , and we were off on our way home.
On top of all this Elliot has been doing quite a lot of bleeding from his mouth since Thursday 26th,which we think is teething related, the bleeding stopped this morning which is a relief and also the bump looks so much better!
Big News Everyone Elliot counted to ten for the first time on Friday when my mum was playing building blocks with him, and we went for a bit of fresh air at the park and at the top of the slide I said 'are you ready?' and Elliot replied 'Ready steady go!' Our little Einstein (no pressure intended)
Other News, I received a letter from the DWP about the carers allowance I receive and it informed that from the 6th/4th/2015 I can earn an extra £110 a week on top of the benefits we receive for Elliot's condition, which is great news because this will give me an option to earn a little extra cash, if I did go to work it would have to fit in around caring for Elliot because that is my first priority, nice to know that the government is supporting people working and caring.