Sunday, 16 March 2014

Haemo Friends

The past 7 months have been pretty great as far as Elliot's Haemophillia goes, I try not to worry about the what ifs, and up until I started writing this blog and the problem with his hip It's not something I have really thought about.

I did get quite emotional last week revisiting my feelings about Haemo and putting them out there for the world to see, and I have struggled to find the right support and connections for our family unit, I am not the biggest facebook fan but thought what the hay I will see if there is groups on there and I found a page for the Haemophilia society which is better than their actual website (no offence) and then the people on there suggested I join the North West specific Haemo group so I did which is awesome because they are all in my area and even better then that I found a group specially for Haemo Mummies like myself who are all lovely and very supportive so all in all I am NOT ALONE and it feels great.

I did get the chance to read other peoples blogs too, which is great to see how other people deal with their situations. I did post my blog on my Facebook page just to raise awareness of Haemophilia and I think the reaction was pretty cool, I don't want anyone feeling sorry for us because there are harder things to deal with and Haemo is now very manageable. I did think maybe Elliot wont want people to know because if I didn't tell you you wouldn't know anything was different about him, but then I thought about the bigger picture which is awareness and that will only happen if I share our story and people share it again and again (I hope Elliot wont mind when he gets bigger).
Just a few blogs I have enjoyed reading;

I tried to find a car sticker that would alert other people and if (touch wood) we had a car accident and needed medical professionals to know Haemo was a factor. I can't really find any good ones in the UK and I don't think the oversea ones are very good so I have designed my own;

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