The normal things (that are not so)
I decided to contact the Haemophilia society today to see if me and Elliot could meet some people that are in a similar situation to us, to put my mind t ease and maybe get Elliot a potential friend who understands, well I emailed them so I will let you know if anything happens.
The past 6 months have been brilliant and hard, I mean I worry about all the normal baby things should I start feeding him, is it to hot too cold, does he enjoy his existence? (dramatic) but true, then I have the Haemo worries on top;
Jabs and stabs
No mummy will look forward to taking her baby to get injections, so when we went to the first one- BCG in the arm, I called my mum to come with us for support (she was super), I was quietly pooping it and Elliot was very happy up until the point!
The problem for me was the nurse asked me before the jab " has Elliot been well and is there anything we should know regarding his health?" I replied " he has been great, just want to make sure that you are aware of his Severe Haemophilia?" well the nurse did not know and I don't think she really new what it meant as she asked me to briefly explain, I told her what the experts told me- put at least 15mins of pressure on the area and check to see if it had stopped bleeding, she did the deed and then with Elliot screaming in my mums arms she said " you can not put pressure on this" WHAT ? slight panic,well thank the universe there was no bleeding and pressure was not needed as it was just under the skin at an angle.
Round 2
The next set of jabs (one in each leg and rota virus drops in the mouth-yummy) was a lot more organised and the nurse was great she already had read all the details about Elliot and his Haemophilia and had even phoned the special unit in Manchester to get advice, So she was prepared (great nurse) anywho she did one jab and we put pressure on for 15mins it still had tiny little blobs coming out, so we put pressure on for another 5 mins and still bleeding we put a cotton ball on it and did the other leg put 15mins of pressure and cotton ball and off we went, got home and later that evening I ripped off the medical tape (did not enjoy this) and I was elated to see his legs where healed and fine and no bruises YAY!!!
Round 3
Now we knew how this would play out so we had a half hour appointment booked and did both legs a few seconds between so it would be better for Elliot otherwise you spend 15mins on one leg and he starts to calm down then wham you did the other, this was better and took less time (we are pros at this now).
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